Local 412
BREAKING NEWS! Hufnagel Wins 8th District VP Race
Updated On: Apr 117, 2010
The Michigan Professional Fire Fighters Union is proud to announce that President Paul Hufnagel has been elected to the position of IAFF Eighth District Vice President.

Paul defeated former Associated Fire Fighters of Illinois President, David Foreman, by a vote of 21,483.5 to 13,515.5.

Paul was sworn into office by IAFF General President Harold Schaitberger immediately after the ballots were counted.

Paul will serve for the remaining 29 months of a four year term that will end in August 2012. In this new position, Paul will be representing and assisting the IAFF locals in the states of Kentucky, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio.

As required by the MPFFU Constitution and By-laws, Paul will be resigning from his position as President of the Michigan Professional Fire Fighters Union.

MPFFU Secretary-Treasurer Terrence Chesney, with the assistance of the members of the MPFFU Executive Board, will assume the duties and responsibilities of the President until a new MPFFU President is elected at the upcoming convention in May.

Please join us in congratulating Paul as we wish him continued success in his new position.

  • Local 412

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